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Watch as Culture Casbah grows with new apartments and shops, culture, sport, work and play. Want to join?

Culture Casbah
Transforming Rosengård together

  • Rosengård station
  • Zlatan Court
  • Amphitheater
  • Konstverket “Stad för lekar”
  • Familjecentralen Sesam
  • Bennets väg 13
  • Bosociala hubben
  • Örtagårdstorget
Culture Casbah
Transforming Rosengård together


Culture Casbah wins international urban development prize


Rosengård fastigheter established to manage the unique project


Small-scale testing begins. What’s needed and how can it be done?


Building starts – with new architecture, venues and services!
What are we planning to build?

Culture Casbah is the area connecting Malmö Rosengård Station with Rosengård Centrum. Casbah is a place that locals call home, where new businesses grow, and where people meet.

What is a casbah?

Depending on what part of the world you’re in, a casbah is the central part of a city inside the old citadel where people gather to talk, shop, drink tea and go about their daily business.

"We want to see Rosengård develop in a way that benefits everyone and creates a district that’s open to all"

Petra Sörling CEO Rosengård fastigheter
Culture Casbah
We like to think outside the box. Welcome to a dynamic city district!
The project

About Culture Casbah

At Rosengård fastigheter we believe cities develop best by involving the people who live and work there. That’s why we’re working together to create and shape the Rosengård we want: a lively district where people meet, greet and enjoy life. This is the heart of our mission to transform Rosengård into a living casbah, and to create a district that offers more to more people.

What is Culture Casbah? It’s the space connecting Malmö Rosengård Station with Rosengård Centrum – a vibrant hub that’s always moving forward. A place that challenges, inspires, delights and surprises.

Culture Casbah is also about bringing people together and making them feel truly at home because they share something important. It’s about thinking outside the box, questioning established ideas, and moving forward together.

Welcome to a city district that’s changing fast. Welcome to Casbah!

Come and join us!

Do you see opportunities others don’t? Do you have ideas about what we can improve and how Casbah can achieve its potential? Do you know any groups, organisations or other entities that could flourish here in the right conditions? Would you like to help us develop Casbah? Get in touch!

Jenny Tebäck, Marketing and Communications Manager jenny.teback@rosengardfastighet.se
Press material and images