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We are there to make a difference to your daily life.

Rosengård in our hearts. Let Sofia, Nivine, Miroslav and Petra show you around the neighborhood and hear them tell you what they think is best about Rosengård.

“I’m very happy at Zlatan Court. It’s a place where new dreams can be created.”
Petra CEO
“Being able to make a difference makes me proud”
Nivine Administrative Assistant
“Something positive is always happening. There’s a good vibe.”
Sofia Social Housing Coordinator
16 languages spoken
33 employees
48% female
52% male

A Rosengård that makes all of Malmö proud.


We are there for the benefit of our tenants, for Rosengård, and for Malmö as a whole – in that order. We support development that benefits everyone. Together we are redeveloping Rosengård to encourage more people to live, work and spend time here.

Petra Sörling
CEO Rosengård Fastigheter

What strikes you the first time you visit Rosengård is how green it is. Rosengård has more green space than any district in Malmö. That's an asset we want to nurture.

Our Annual Reports

We are owned in equal 25% shares by Fastighets AB Balder, Heimstaden AB, MKB Fastighets AB and Victoriahem AB.